Some years ago on a work trip to Poland I managed to fit in a visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau Nazi concentration camps. It was a chilly winter afternoon and there were only a handful of other visitors. I didn't have a great deal of film with me, but managed to get off two rolls of 35mm.
When I got home and examined the contact sheets, I decided I wanted to print the images on a cold tone paper. Hardly anyone makes coldtone anymore. The only available cold tone paper I know of today is made by Ilford and comes in gloss only, which is not the look I wanted. So I decided to experiment with...
Last year, during Paris Photo, I got the opportunity to visit the studio of one of my all-time favourite photographers. I wan't there to take pictures, but I took the oppurtnity to grab a few snaps as we were walking around. In my mind I thought I could capture the 'soul' of the studio. In reality, I took the most technically inept photographs that I've taken in quie a while.
Despite being in a daylight studio set up for natural light, it was November, in Paris, and even with Tri-X pushed to 800, my only option was to shoot wide open at 1/30 second. Every single shot is a little 'off'...
Note: If you are offended by images of people who may hold political views different to your own, please go elsewhere.
What a tumultuous few years it's been. Before the drama of COVID-19, the UK was already in political and social turmoil. Brexit, Boris Johnson's attempted pro-roguing of parliament and Health Secretary Matt Hancock's drastic cuts to the National Health Service led to waves of protests througout 2019 (at one point almost on a weekly basis).
Photographing protests and demos takes me back to an important point in my photographic journey...and actually the reason I learned...
If you have a darkroom and are not making 'proper' proof contact sheets, you really should be. I've shot film for more than 40 years but I've only consistently made proper proofs for the past few. These days I make one for every film I shoot.
A proper proof not only helps you choose which images you want to use, but also tells you how good your negatives are and how easy they will be to print in the darkroom. After a one time test, proper proofs are super quick to make (much faster than scanning); I can proper proof ten films in about 25 minutes in the darkroom, far quicker than I could scan.
I’ve had an old 1950s Ilford Sporti camera sitting at the back of my cupboard for some years now. It came out of a relative’s attic and, despite having a sticking shutter, was given to me because I’m ‘interested in cameras’. I’d always intended to convert it for pinhole use, but never got around to it. I was slightly put off because a Google search brought up only one description of a similar conversion in which apparently knowledgeable people claimed that the camera was ‘never meant to come apart’ and required brute force and a chisel to dismantle. Not a great starting point...