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Last year, during Paris Photo, I got the opportunity to visit the studio of one of my all-time favourite photographers. I wan’t there to take pictures, but I took the oppurtnity to grab a few snaps as we were walking around. In my mind I thought I could capture the ‘soul’ of the studio. In reality, I took the most technically inept photographs that I’ve taken in quie a while.
Despite being in a daylight studio set up for natural light, it was November, in Paris, and even with Tri-X pushed to 800, my only option was to shoot wide open at 1/30 second. Every single shot is a little ‘off’ as a result.
I printed on 5×7 Ilford classic and toned quite heavily in Selenium (1+10 for 5 minutes). While nothihng is quite sharp, I like to think the images capture something of the time and place, even it they are technically inept.
I’m sure if you’re familiar with the photographer’s work, you will be able to identify which studio it was. Everything was shot on 35mm.
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